Olive Oil Making
in Batroun

Olive Oil History in Batroun District

Batroun District boasts a rich history of olive oil production dating back to the Phoenicians, who traded this valuable commodity across the Mediterranean.

Some notable villages in Batroun associated with olive oil production include Douma, Tannourine, Bchaaleh, and Kfarhay.

Over centuries, the olive oil industry thrived under different rulers, each contributing to the region’s culture, architecture, and refining techniques,  making Batroun a hub of historical significance for olive oil production. 

Olive Oil Production in Village Presses

Olive oil production occurs at multiple presses scattered throughout the villages in Batroun. These facilities, often run by private or religious entities, actively support local farming communities and utilize a mix of modern and traditional processing techniques. 

The olive oil production process encompasses several essential stages: 

  1. Washing
  2. Crushing
  3. Pressing or Centrifuging
  4. Separating
  5. Filtering and Bottling

The resulting quality of the olive oil hinge on diverse factors:

  1. The olive variety
  2. Ripeness
  3. Duration between harvesting and processing
  4. Processing method
  5. Storage conditions

Olive Oil and Lebanese Cuisine

One of the most distinctive features of Lebanese cuisine is the use of olive oil.

It is used for cooking, dressing, dipping and preserving various dishes, such as salads, mezze, stews, soups, pastries and desserts.

Olive oil not only adds flavor and aroma to the food, but also provides health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, preventing inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress. Olive oil is considered a staple and a symbol of Lebanese cuisine, and its quality and variety are highly valued by Lebanese people

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