Hanglive at Hangloose
Hanglive at Hangloose Join us at Hanglive this Saturday, 7th! Sana and the band are bringing pop, rock, Latino, and more. Starts at 9:30 RSVP +961 71 872 417
Hanglive at Hangloose Join us at Hanglive this Saturday, 7th! Sana and the band are bringing pop, rock, Latino, and more. Starts at 9:30 RSVP +961 71 872 417
Fadi Makdissi Oriental Night at Omnia RSVP +961 81 116 642
Hangover Friday is here at Hangloose هاشلي بربارة edition with SÄSS & Roland Ragi , starting at 8:30 PM! Wear your best costume for a chance to win something special. RSVP +961 71 872 417
Hanna Abi Hanna live performance at Taiga Batroun featuring Dj Ralph Reservation on +961 3499408
Adam live at Tramway Starting 10:30 pm For Reservations +961 03 514 101
Youhanna at TAIGA Batroun featuring Dj Ralph Live Performance, Friday night